Walk In Hours
Our physician directory makes it easy to search for a specific doctor.
Prompt medical exams for the Ministry of Transport.
Our physician directory makes it easy to make an appointment.
We will be accepting patients as openings become available.
Walk In /Urgent Care Services - changes effective December 2, 2024
Due to Ministry of Health restrictions, the weekday (Monday to Friday) Walk in/Urgent Care Clinic is available ONLY to those patients who have a family physician at Glazier Medical Centre.
Hours of operation:
Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 8:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
The weekend Clinics ( Saturday, Sunday and Holidays) will continue to be accessible to all patients.
Hours of operation:
Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday 12 noon to 4:00 pm
Holidays 12 noon to 4:00 pm
New Patients Welcomed!!
We have several physicians taking on new patients. Please complete the registration at the "Request a Physician" button.
Zero Tolerance Statement
We operate a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards abuse of Glazier Medical staff and physicians. Our staff and physicians come to work to care for others, not to become victims of violence, threatening behaviour, physical or verbal abuse or discrimination. Anyone attending or calling the Clinic who is abusive, will be banned from the premises.
Glazier Medical Centre has been providing leading healthcare to the people of Oshawa and surrounding areas for more than 50 years. With a wide range of medical physicians and other allied health care professionals, Glazier Medical Centre can meet all of your health care needs under one roof.
We hope that our website can provide you with answers to the many questions you have about our facility and the services offered at the Centre.